Sunday, July 15, 2007

Doin' the sling thing.

Tessa's a bit sick.

She either caught it from her Dad, or her sister, or her Mum. We've all had it (or have it).

Unfortunately, even though she had been nearly sleeping through the night, her snuffles have now made her reluctant to sleep at ALL! All our usual 'get baby to sleep' tricks have not worked, and at present, the only way she will drop off is while hanging in the sling next to mum. (Coz she's much more upright, and of course tightly snuggled!) Ah well - at least I have my hands free! And usually, by the 3rd attempt, I can take the sling off and lay her in the cot.

This has generated a few cute pictures, and the girls have also gotten in on the 'slinging thing'.



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