Sunday, October 15, 2006

And for the BIG news...

We're gonna have another baby!

Yes, baby #3 is well on the way. (Although from the size of my tummy, you might think he/she was further than only 14 weeks... I chalk it down to being my body's 3rd time at this - it knows where it's going, and has been pre-stretched!)

Emily understands quite well what it all means, and is very interested in it. She wants us to take the baby out now, just so she can have a look. She's quite concerned that the baby have his/her own 'blankie' as she and Zoe have. So next week sometime, Emily and I are going to make a special trip to the fabric store to buy some cotton blankie material and some satin edging, and together we're going to sew a wee blankie for the baby.

This is Emily giving 'baby' a cuddle :)


At 6:21 PM, Blogger Rachel said...

Congratulations, Joanne! I also have the same phenomenon: the big belly that began to show the pregnancy earlier on. I also put it down to being pre-stretched! : ) Luckily, I'm not precious about showing too soon : ) Luke knows that a baby is on the way and likes patting my stomach, though Daniel doesn't quite know what is in store for him yet. I think he'll initially find it a challenge being the middle child, as he's normally quite bossy lol!


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