Tuesday, February 05, 2008

News Flash!

Yes, the rumours are true. We've resigned from the British School Manila, effective July 08.

Although we had intended to renew Nigel's contract, changing exchange rates have made life here actually quite expensive! The exchange rates have affected many of the expat families here, and at playgroup yesterday, there were three families who already had definite plans for going home for that very reason. We personally have experienced a 20% drop in effective income, simply because we are living across three currencies!

However, even though we are resigning from BSM, we are not yet definite about going home. It will be our default, but because we feel like we've only just got settled here, and have some great friendships, we are open to the idea of finding other jobs here.

So in the next couple months, we are 'on the hunt'. If, however, we don't manage to find any AMAZING jobs, which would enable us to keep our girls at good schools, and keep our life manageable here, we'll be heading back to NZ.

So watch this space!


At 9:36 AM, Blogger Flower said...

Oh no! That must have been quite a decision to make! Hope you have a fantastic 5 months.



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