Then off to Australia!
The weekend after our Taupo visit, Nigel and I went (with only Tessa) to Australia for a very quick visit. (Yes, more long travel for Tessa- thank goodness for that sling, huh?) My cousin was getting married, and it was a fabulous opportunity to meet up with that side of the family. It had been nearly 10 years since we'd all been together.

While we were there, we also managed to hook up with some good friends of ours, who moved away from NZ not long after we did. They now live in the Sunshine Coast, but came down to the Gold Coast, to see us, and meet Tessa! We enjoyed ourselves alot, and from the looks of their blog, I think they did too!

After our fun 48 hours, it was back to NZ to get ready for the MAIN purpose of our big trip - Nige's brother's wedding. That will have to wait for another blog...
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