...and the grand finale... Brendan & Frances' wedding!
The HAIR took a while to achieve. It had to be 'just right' and show off both Emily's long hair, and Zoe's beautiful curls...
We found out that the track pants the girls wore 'in the meantime' left nasty blue fuzz marks all over the stockings!!!
But we thought they scrubbed up pretty nicely!!! Just like the groom himself, and Daddy.
We had to keep them occupied for a while, before their big moment...
But when it came, they did fantastic! They were told to walk slowly and smile, and they did both of those things very well!!!
Emily was brave enough to stay on the stage during most of the ceremony...
Zoe, on the other hand, needed some familiar arms to keep her happy...

The whole wedding was a brilliant success, and a very special occasion. We wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Ohhhhhhh! Sigh! Aren't they just beautiful! Loved reading your blogs whay a marathon of blogging, so nice to read.
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